The 9th Executive Body meeting of the Management Society, Fishing Harbour, Paradeep was held on 27.06.2014 at 11.00AM under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ramakrishna Sahoo, Additional District Magistrate cum Head of Executive Body, MSFH, Paradeep, in his office chamber, Paradeep
The members present in the meeting were as follows:
1. | Dr. Ramakrishna Sahoo | Additional District Magistrate, Paradeep |
2. | Sri Jnana Ranjan Samal | Secretary, Management Society, FH, Paradeep |
3. | Sri Sumant Kumar Biswal | President, OMFPA, Paradeep |
4. | Sri B. K. Jena | Asst. Engineer(C), HW-III, PPT, Paradeep |
5. | Sri Jajna Ku Rout | Representative Traditional Boat Owners Association, Paradeep |
6. | Sri Pradipta Kishor Bhuyan | Manager, MSFH, Paradeep |
Confirmation of the proceedings of the 9th Executive Body meeting:
Setting up of Pre Processing Plant: The necessity of a Pre Processing Plant inside the Harbour premises was discussed and the EE, FED was advised to incorporate this component in the comprehensive DPR.
The proceedings of the 9th Executive Body Meeting held on 12.02.2014 was communicated to all the members vide this office Letter No. 51(7) dated 22.03.2014 for conformation. As no communication from any quarter relating to the proceeding had so far been received, so the proceeding of 9th EB was made confirmed unanimously.
Decision taken in the 8th EB & 4th GB and action taken thereof:
a. Allotment/re-allotment of shopping units, Gear Shed to the new owners by the MS.
Re-allotment of shopping unit by the MS to the stakeholders those who have purchased the concerned shopping unit from the old allottee by virtue of sale deed and have cleared the pending dues of both PPT & MS has been approved. Three such cases have been approved. One Unit is pending still finalisation due to non clearance of pending dues of the PPT.
21 nos of vacant & defaulting units of Gear Shed previously allotted by the Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, MSFH, the following units such as GS-I/29A, 29B, GS-II/29 do not turn. Hence allotment of the aforesaid units was cancelled by the House after discussion. Further, previous allotment by the PPT with regard to GS-I/25 & 28, 39, 42 and GS-II/23, 25, 28 & 31 were also cancelled as nobody turn down to deposit the demand of the Management Society after several notices. Further the House approved the allotment of GS-II/32 & 43 by the House Allotment Committee.
A vivid discussion was made about various defaulting units inside the Fishing Harbour not paying revenue to the MS. The Chairman of the House displeased over the issue and instructed to serve 15 days notice for payment of dues as per demand of MS. Failing which break down of lock to be made by the MS with the help of Executive Magistrate & local police. Further, the House advised for execution of fresh agreement of the shopping units and Gear Sheds between the MS and the stakeholders who are in present possession either as per PPT allotment or by virtue of sale deed. The process will be followed by cancellation of all the allotment made by PPT. During execution of fresh agreement, the One Time Premium (Salami) to be collected as per decision of the 3rd GB. Collection of revenue from the stakeholders after fresh agreement to be made in the name of possessor instead of the old allottee made by PPT earlier which has to be rectified in the next GB.
b. Decision on Entry of trespassers: For free entry of identified boat owners, supervisors and shopkeepers are to be kept free passes with themselves which were issued by the MS earlier at the time of entry. Installation of CC Camera at the main entrance is yet to be installed.
c. Power supply to the Harbour by the PPT: A thorough discussion was made on the matter. Since no positive response for power supply to the Harbour by the PPT till date, the House expressed its dissatisfaction on the matter. However, the Chairman of the House over phone discussed with the CESU authority for immediate inspection and submission of re-estimate for 100 KV over head electric supply to the Harbour. The President, OMFPA has suggested to request the PPT to provide a HT line to install a separate transformer at the cost of the Management Society inside the Harbour for power consumption which unanimously accepted.
d. Developmental works taken up under NFDB grant: As the Asst. Engineer, FED was absent in the meeting, the discussion was not made and it is decided to discuss the matter in forthcoming EB.
e. Eviction of encroachments inside the Harbour: As per decision in the last EB, the unauthorised encroachment inside the harbour has already been identified by the MS and Mike announcement for evacuation of the encroached area was made. Common notice has been given to the person concerns to deposit the ground rent against the area occupied by them @ 0.50 per sq ft. till alternative arrangement. Eviction work to be done in presence of ADM, Paradeep and Verification Committee of MSFH with the help of local police as decided in the 6th EB.
f. Shifting of temporary cabins to one point inside the Harbour: The shifting of temporary cabins to one point to avoid traffic problem and hamper of the business of stake holders of the market unit is to be carried out very soon.
g. Action against wilful defaulters: Though the PPT is not providing the postal address of the allottee of the market unit and gear shed it is difficult to serve individual final notices to the defaulting units of the Harbour. Moreover some people operating ice crushers and running their business occupying harbour area are not paying the ground rent to the MS in spite of repeated approach and issue of common notice. Rather some are demanding allotment of land in favour of them so that they could pay the ground rent to the MS. Discussion may be made in this regard.
h. Revision of tariff for inside Diesel Outlet: No response from the Oil Companies in spite of repeated approach by the MS for settlement of tariff revision against the land occupied by them for their diesel outlets. The House expressed its displeasure over the issue. The Chairman of the House telephonically discussed with the DGM, IOCL, SRM, HPCL to depute their respective officials for execution of agreement with the Management Society for settlement of security deposit, rent of land etc at the earliest. Further, the Manager, MSFH was instructed to follow up for an early solution of the matter.
i. Removal of shrunken barge from jetty No 4 and dredging of harbour basin & river mouth: To be discussed in the forthcoming EB.
j. Opening of ATM counter: Delay in opening of Axis Bank ATM near the main gate of Fishing Harbour causes revenue loss day by day. The House displeased over it and instructed to expedite the process to complete within 15 days.
k. Fixed deposit of MS fund: Fixed deposit of ` 15,00,000/- for a period of 2 years in the name of Management Society Fishing Harbour to be made immediately. To avail more facilities one SB Account of the Management Society to be opened in any Nationalized Bank other than Bank of India. Vetting in this regard to be made in the next GB resolution.
l. Collection of revenue from Net Mending: Hundreds of people are engaged for net mending activities inside the Fishing Harbour temporarily occupying vast areas having trolley rickshaws for transportation without paying to the MS. The proposal was kept reserve.
2. Collapse and damage of Jetty: The House advised to the Secretary, MSFH to discuss the matter with the AE,FED.
3. Purchase of Iron Chest & Water Meter: Decision to purchase Iron Chest is kept reserve. However, the House advised to collect catalogue of various companies of Iron Chest. Purchase of 2 nos of 2” dia water meter is approved.
4. Minor repairing of Shopping Unit: The proposal was kept reserve.
5.Deployment of contingent staff: Deployment of one contingent staff by OMFPA to work as gate staff was approved.
6.Entry of Salt to Fishing Harbour: Entry of salt to the Fishing Harbour since beginning of ongoing fishing season is approved by the House.
7. Details of income and expenditure of the Harbour: The total Income and Expenditure of the Harbour for 2013-14 & 2014-15 (up to 31st May, 2014) as shown in Annexure-I, II & III was discussed and approved by the House.
8. Approval of expenditure incurred from 11.02.2014 to 25 .06.2014: The total expenditure of Rs 21,10,483/- incurred during the above cited period for various head towards management of Fishing Harbour shown in Annexure-IV was discussed and approved. However, the Chairman advised to maintain stringency in incurring expenditure.
9. Miscellaneous matter if any.
a. The Secretary, MSFH proposed to discuss for allotment of land to Paradeep MPFP&MCS Ltd for a consumer diesel outlet inside the Fishing Harbour. Considering short period of lease agreement between the PPT & MS and master plan prepared by CICEF, NFDB for developmental work, allotment of land to the said society is not possible without GB decision
b. The House advised the Secretary MS to endorse proposal for holding GB at the earliest as many important things are to be discussed.
c. As per request of Bhabani Tent House, Paradeep, refund of EMD is approved for Rs. 30,000/- which was deposited at the time of submission of tender paper for making temporary sheds.